I am always in a rush, I like to be in a rush. But rush comes with speed. And photography stands still. So when I photograph I hold my breath, and the world before me comes to a halt. Just for that fugitive fraction of a second.
RUSHED is a collection of held breaths. It was put together in one day. I was always better at last minute things. Searching within my past, I was brought back to Morocco, Hong Kong, Russia, Ecuador and New York. And then brought back home, to Italy.
Dreams, People and Wires came together alone. Feelings alike, thousands of miles apart. A thread of sentiment throughout time and space. My restless pilgrim life portrayed wearing restfulness.
Teresa Emanuele
RUSHED is Emanuele's first exhibition featuring black&white prints on methacrlyate and was presented in Moscow in 2011 in occasion of the Photography Festival curated by Olga Sviblova,